National Valuation Institute or INSPEN is a real estate training department and research center for Valuation and Property Services Department or JPPH under the Ministry of Finance Malaysia.
Founded in 1985 in response to the country’s population and economic growth, INSPEN create skilled and knowledgeable human resources in their work areas and industries to serve with promptness, excellence and professionalism.
INSPEN is located within a designated training and research community in Bangi neighboring the Federal Administrative Center, Putrajaya, KLIA and capital city of Kuala Lumpur.
The role of INSPEN grows simultaneously with the current needs and demands and not only limited to training and research but has also includes on consultancy services and higher education in Real Estate by exporting the vast experience and expertise of its human resources and the availability of a very comprehensive infrastructure within.
Established to enhance knowledge and skills of human capital department and real estate industry through training, research and education to provide timely, effective and reliable property and service assessment and services:
To become a premier training, research and education center in real estate.
Complete the workforce to meet new challenges and adapt to changes and provide authoritative research services, consulting services, training and education to meet the needs and demand of the real estate industry.
Our services:
– Valuation and Property Services Training
– Management Training and Information Technology
– Professional Training and Executive Development
– Real Estate Research
– Real Estate Research Fund
– Real Estate Publishing
– Real Estate Product Consultation and Development
– Higher Education Program for Real Estate
– Domestic and Overseas Placement Program
– Expert Service Export Program
– Malaysian Technical Cooperation Program