JPPH advises the Federal Government, State Government, Statutory Body and Local Authority in Malaysia on matters relating to the valuation of real estate and property services. The scope of valuation by JPPH are Land, Building and Plant and Machinery include the following purposes:
- Real Property Gains Tax
- Estate Duty
- Stamp Duty
- General Valuation
- Purchase / Sale
- Alienation of Land
- Land Acquisition
- Change In Category Of Land Use
- Privatisation & Corporatisation
- Government Housing Loan
- Rental / Lease
- Contribution in Aid of Rates (CAR)
- Rating
JPPH also provides specific advice in relation to the valuation of Plant, Machinery and Equipment to the Federal Government, State Government, Local Government and Statutory Body for various purposes and this covers among others the following industries :
- Automotive
- Marine and Air Transportation Infrastructure
- Quarry
- Oil and Gas
- Water Treatment
- Power Generation
- Agriculture Product Processing
- Sewerage Treatment
- Telecommunication
In addition, JPPH also provides information on sale/rental of real estate to the person /body corporate/partnership/ firm pursuant to Third Schedule (Rule 3), Valuers, Appraisers, Estate Agents And Property Managers Act 1981 (Act) 242 and rules prior approval by the Director General of Valuation and Property Services.